
The Problem

New York Times – 5.4 Billion cut in Texas Education. More.

Austin American Statesman- “The funding gap between property-rich and property-poor school districts has grown since the previous case from $965 per student to nearly $1,600, according to data from the Texas Education Agency.” More.

Traditionally schools throughout the United States rely on federal and state funding, area property taxes and small fundraising throughout the year to provide the dollars needed to fund it’s staff and programs. This has always caused disparity between low income areas and that of richer due to the amount of funding a school can generate. Not to mention, those that do not own property on average, contribute less to the funding of the local schools.

The Solution

United For The People will donate 30% of the membership dues received  through school fundraisers to support .

Here is a list of some of the areas funding will go:

School Funding– Support hiring of teachers, security, events and other school functions.

After School Programs– Create a low cost program to help tutor students to maximize their learning ability.

Music and Performing Arts– Reinstitute programs removed due to budget cuts that will expand creativity among students.

Field Trips– Help offset the cost of field trips for schools and parents.

Nutrition– Help provide funding for more nutritious foods provided by school cafeterias.

School Supplies– Offset the cost of kleenex, paper, and other supplies needed by students that are requested for parents to provide for their children.

Parent Support– Assist parents with issues they may be struggling with that will hinder the growth of their children such as job assistance, parenting classes, budgeting, etc.